project mission

Presented by the Department of Oceanography at the University of Hawai'i-Mānoa, the Hanapa'a Project offers an unconventional, multifaceted experience for students of the School of Ocean, Earth, Science and Technology (SOEST). Participants will have the opportunity to connect with and learn from their peers and community members. The annual event includes activities focused on ocean and earth sciences; sustainability practices and policies; the mental health and well-being of students; and valuing diversity of ideas, cultures and capacities. The Project is meant to break barriers, challenge the status quo and elevate the voices of students while providing an opportunity for them to create meaningful relationships. A cohesive, well-informed and supportive community, narrow or broad, makes for richer, more reliable science and a healthier, more resilient planet.

past events: pau hana!

Thanks to each of you who joined us in making our second annual Hanapa'a Project Event a resounding success, and to those who joined us at Honolulu Beerworks on March 23, 2024 for our first official Pau Hana event!

Continuing last year's theme, Changing of the Tides: A Shift to Self Awareness and Empowering Communities in STEM, this Pau Hana was meant to serve as an opportunity to further build our student community and foster meaningful relationships in a relaxed setting. We hope that you continue to join us on this journey of student inclusion and empowerment that Hanapaʻa strives for.

five fun and interactive activities

rage and catharsis

Are you feeling anger or anxiety about a particular issue? Write it down on a large piece of canvas, get your water balloons ready, and prepare to get messy.

art and identity

This is an opportunity for self-expression. Create something that represents you or that reflects what ‘hanapa’a’ means to you. Express your individuality, parts of your identity or your thoughts.  


community and self

Discover the strength of personal stories and community bonds. Share your unique narrative, connect with your identity, reflect on your intentions, and celebrate collective experiences within the community.

connect and reflect

This activity delves into deep and personal questions with the hope that, in answering them, you will form connections with those around you.

mind and body

Expand Resiliency Through the Nervous System with a somatic experiencing (SE) practitioner as they delve into the innate power within us to heal.

snack and chat

Enjoy a bento box and fresh coffee. Please bring your own water bottle. 

hanapa'a '24 honored guests

kamuela enos

Kamuela Enos is the Director of the Office of Indigenous Innovation for the Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation for University of Hawai’i System.  Born and raised in Wai’anae, Kamuela comes from a family of cultural practitioners and farmers committed to using ancestral frameworks as the basis for contemporary restorative socio-ecologic work. Kamuela has an undergraduate degree in Hawaiian Studies and a M.A in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. Kamuela previously served as Director of Social Enterprise at MA`O Farms and was also a Commissioner on President Obama’s White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.

barbara bruno

Barb, a Faculty Specialist at the Hawai‘i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP) at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, has a diverse career spanning mathematical research, planetary volcanology, undergraduate teaching, community outreach, and professional development. As the Co-Principal Investigator of the Hawaiʻi EPSCoR team and Education Director, she leads various initiatives, focusing on fostering a diverse STEM workforce, training faculty mentors, and developing leaders among students and scientists. Dr. Bruno holds undergraduate degrees in Mathematics (BA) and Geological Sciences (BS) from Brown University, MS and PhD degrees in Geology and Geophysics from the University of Hawaiʻi, Mānoa. She received the Dr. Amefil Agbayani Faculty Diversity Enhancement Award in 2017.

jaime d'eredita

Jaime is a clinician and owner of The Collective Current, a clinically centered, trauma-informed, integrative therapy center focused on nervous system healing. She also serves as the lead therapist for a ketamine-assisted therapy program at The Center for Healing and Transformation. 

The Center's approach focuses on root-up healing, and supports the intuitive healing capacity of the body. In both her personal and professional journey, she has found that nervous system healing creates the deepest and most meaningful shift in human behavior. When the nervous system heals and we have access to safety within the body, we can begin to experience the unexplored territories of joy, connection, presence, creativity, clarity, compassion and peace. Her work is a collective of clinical training, life experience, passion, inner healing and deep curiosity in the human experience and cultivating spirit.


To learn moreabout the project or to contribute to our mission please contact us at